Page 91 - XD-Zebra
P. 91


                 Recycled Claim Standard

                 Certified Recycled Tech

                 The Recycled Claim Standard is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for thirdparty
                 certification of recycled input and chain of custody. The shared goal of the standards is to increase the use of
                 recycled materials.

                    Why do you need               When is RCS applied           Who makes the RCS
                    RCS certification for         to an item?                   certificate

                    This certification ensures that   RCS is the standard used   The RCS certification is made
                    the identity of the recycled   when part of a product, but   by an appointed third party
                    materials is maintained:      not the entire product has    who has no business relation
                    from the recycler to the final   been made from recycled    with anyone involved in the
                    product.                      materials.                    production chain of the

                 For more information about RCS visit the global union website:

                  1                             3                             5
                 P329.661                      P322.661                       P322.671
                 RCS standard recycled plastic headphone  RCS standard recycled plastic 10.000 mAh   RCS standard recycled plastic wireless
                                               powerbank                      powerbank

                  2                             4                             6
                 P302.661                      P329.671                       P308.661
                 RCS standard recycled plastic and TPE 6 in 1   RCS standard recycled plastic TWS earbuds  RCS standard recycled plastic 10W wireless
                 cable                                                        charger

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