Page 429 - MoreThanGifts-Zebra
P. 429


         DIGITAL TRANSFER                    SCREEN TRANSFER                    CERAMIC TRANSFER
         Digital Transfer is one of the most popular methods   Economic option for simpler designs. The logo is printed   The technique of ceramic transfer printing is applied to
         for full colour logos and designs. This Four Colour   on a sheet by means of serigraphy (which allows 1 to 8   ceramic promotional cups and items where the logo is
         Process hits over thousands of colours resulting in a   colours) and then transferred to the product.  printed on a sheet and transferred by water.
         photographic quality decoration.

         SCREEN PRINTING                     PAD PRINTING                       ROUND SCREEN PRINTING
         Main advantage of screen printing is the unique result   Pad printing is a technique where rubber stamps are   Round screen printing is a method that allows round
         you can achieve. It can be applied on a  variety of   used to print the logo on the item. With this technique   personalisation. It is an optimum solution for the
         materials but mostly used on fabrics since a larger size   you achieve a sharper finish and a perfect colour   popular reusable bottles since, due to its form,  the
         can be achieved.                    matching (PMS) is achievable.      print position is larger than can be achieved using the
                                                                                traditional printing method.

         DEBOSSING                           EMBROIDERY                         LASER ENGRAVING
         Debossing is a popular technique for marking products   Embroidery is a very popular technique in products   Laser engraving can be applied to items made of natural
         made of leather, PU or cardboard. The logo is stamped   such as caps, textiles or advertising bags where the   materials like wood and metals. With laser engraving the
         on the material being sunk and making it indelible.  finishing touch is in the sewn logo with woven threads.   result of branding is precise, clean and permanent.

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