Page 291 - MoreThanGifts-Zebra
P. 291
04 16
Inflaball MO6339
PVC small Pilates or yoga exercise ball in
RPET pouch with hand pump. Size 15x26,5 cm
Print technique Roundscreen,S,T1,TD
Heavy 03
03 03
Fitband MO9987 Top Fit MO6461 Banda MO6449
Set of 4 TPE fitness bands in polyester pouch. Fitness Set of 3 TPE fitness bands in RPET polyester pouch. Set of 3 fitness bands in terylene, cotton and latex
bands all have a different strength for optimal training. Fitness bands all have a different strength for optimal silk in an RPET pouch. Fitness bands all have a
Size 20,5x10,5 cm Print technique Screen Printing,T1,TD training. Size 18,5x12,5 cm Print technique Screen different strength for optimal training. Size 20x17 cm
Printing,T1,TD Print technique Screen Printing,T1,TD