Page 265 - MoreThanGifts-Zebra
P. 265
Epsom KC2225
Aluminium business cardholder. Size 9x6x0,5 cm
Print technique Pad Printing,DO1,L,PD
> 203
37 03 03 06 04 16
Silicard MO8736 Protector MO8885 Stanwell KC2206
Simple silicone card holder with tape to attach it to RFID cart protector in PS with aluminum for inside metal Imitation chrome business card holder. Size 9x6x0,6 cm
the back of the smartphone. Size 5,5x8,5x0,2 cm part in order to prevent skimming. Size 9x6x0,4 cm Print technique Pad Printing,DO1,L,PD
Print technique Screen Printing Print technique Pad Printing,PD,S
06 06 40
Blocking MO9752 Custos MO9751 RFID Custos + MO6200
RFID blocking card. The aluminium layer inside this card RFID Anti-skimming card. By using an electromagnetic RFID Anti-skimming card in bamboo case. By using
blocks all radio frequencies passing through. All other cards field it makes all 13.56 MHz cards (trains, buses, bank an electromagnetic field it makes all 13.56 MHz cards
behind this blocking card will be protected from being or credit cards) secure from electronic pick pocketing (trains, buses, bank or credit cards) secure from
skimmed. (0,76 mm). Size 8,5x5,5 cm Print technique Pad 2-3 cm around the card. (0,9 mm). Size 8,5x5,5 cm electronic pick pocketing 2-3 cm around the card.
Printing,S,DO1,DL,PD Print technique Pad Printing,S,DO1,DL,PD (1,3 mm). Size 8,5x5,5x0,13 cm Print technique Pad