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          Memoff  KC7083                       Mini Visionmax  MO9217             Memokit  MO7627
          Practical memo set including 1 large white memo pad,   Memo set including 1 large yellow memo pad   Practical cardboard container including neon
          2 colour rectangle memo pad and 5 colour sticky tabs.   and coloured page tabs. Size 6x1,3x8,5 cm    colour memo stickers, yellow sticky notes and
          Size 12,5x8x1,2 cm  Print technique Screen Printing,T1,TD,B,L   Print technique Pad Printing,DL   100 page blank memo pad. Size 11,5x9x2,3 cm
                                                                                  Print technique Pad Printing,DL,S


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          Foldnote  MO9541                     Recyclo  MO7173                    Memosticky  MO9036
          Cardholder including memo- and sticky notes.   Multi size sticky note-pads in strong recycled carton.   Sticky notes with 5 colours. Size 8x5x0,2 cm
          Size 10,5x0,4x7 cm  Print technique Pad Printing,DL,S   Includes 5 x 25 sheets of different fluorescent colour   Print technique Pad Printing,DL
                                               sticky tabs and two sizes of repositioning sticky
                                               memo pads of 50 and 25 pages. Size 10x7,5x1,2 cm
                                               Print technique Pad Printing,DL

          Stibox  MO7756                     Memocalendar  MO9394                Recyclopad  MO7304
          Cardboard box dispenser containing 2 coloured sticky   Desk set with coloured page tabs and memo pads. It   House shaped cardboard box in recycled material, containing
          notes and 5 colourful page markers. The item includes   has a 4 year calendar attached on the inside of the lid.   300 pages of recycled paper and colourful memo stickers on
          also a transparent 12 cm PP ruler and a ball pen with   Size 13x8,5x1,9 cm  Print technique Pad Printing,S,DL   roof. Size 9x9,5x7 cm  Print technique Pad Printing,DL
          cardboard barrel with blue ink. Size 16x6x2,3 cm
          Print technique Pad Printing

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