Page 416 - House-of-Inspiration-Zebra
P. 416

EMBROIDERY                    FULL COLOUR DOMING                  HOTSTAMPING
          Classic decoration technique - Suitable for both   Print technique that allows to decorate small   Exceptional superior impression - Ideal for real
           flat and irregular surfaces - Tread colours to   items - With a digital quality and 3D effect. The   and imitation leather products - Available in silver
          match any logo - Up to 12 colours per embroidery   doming sticker is printed with photo-realistic, full   and gold finish
          - Perfect for left/right chest and left/right bicep  colour print (CMYK) on a digital plotter and then
                                           gel is applied on that sticker - Gel spreads evenly
                                            to the edges of the sticker creating a 3D effect

                      INFUSION                      LASER ENGRAVING                    LIGHT-UP LOGO
          Create an untouchable decoration with razor sharp   Create a high-class impression - Unique tone-  Laser engraving used on items that can be
          detail - Offers a comfortable, breathable decora-  on-tone - Best on mid-range colours - Unlimited   plugged in to an energy source to light up the
            tion - Offers unlimited colours for one set up  washability       decorated logo - The laser cuts out the logo on
                                                                             the item surface, and the logo lights up only once
                                                                            item is either plugged in or turned on - This kind of
                                                                            decoration is possible on some pens, power banks,
                                                                            phone stands, flashlights, wireless chargers, speak-
                                                                             ers - It is good to apply on plastic, metal or wood

                      PADPRINT                        SCREENPRINT                      SCREENROUND
          Great all-round cost effective solution - Can be   Long lasting results - Good cost effective solution   Long lasting results - Applies sharp, high-qual-
          applied on virtually any shape - Suitable for any   for larger quantities - Allows single and multi   ity decoration on curved products - Economic
          surface texture, including soft products like stress   colour decorations - Great choice for a distressed   choice for large quantities - Multi-colour deco-
          balls - Perfect for multi-coloured logos - Fast and   look and feel - Can only be applied to flat   ration available on a selection of pens - Ideal for
                      economical                        surfaces.                          text

                     SUBLIMATION                       TRANSFER                       DIGITAL TRANSFER
            Premium full-colour photorealistic prints -   Ideal for fabrics - Perfect for logos with many   Photo-quality decoration technique - Logo can
           Suitable for polyester fabrics (minimum 60%   colours - Allows for extreme detail like small text   be printed in full colour with digital printer on
          polyester) and polymer coated products - Soft,   - Economical solution for multi-colour printing   paper - Glue/underlayer is applied - With the use
           flexible imprint that can even be applied over   or smaller quantities - Maintains integrity of   of heat image/logo  is transfered on product -
          seams and zips - Decoration is resistant to fading   waterproof fabrics        CMYK print
          and cracking - Only suitable for white products

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