Page 565 - COOL-Zebra
P. 565

RAINBOW                ROTARY
                 ENGRAVING              ENGRAVING              ENGRAVING               EMBOSSING
           Engraving utilises lasers to mark a   Rainbow engraving is a special   Rotary engraving utilises lasers   Embossing is an elegant process that
           product's surface. The surface of   laser engraving technology, utilising   to mark the surface of cylindrical   changes the surface of the material
           the product practically burns in the   different wavelength laser beams to   products. With the help of a special   that has been embossed, through
           process to develop the logo. Even   achieve coloured imprints on metal   rotary device the engraved product is   forming a 3D impression. This
           small logos can be printed very   items, without the use of inks or   rotated during the printing process,   impression is achieved by pressing a
           accurately. Engraving is applicable   chemicals.  allowing a large imprint wrapping the   specially-made die onto the product's
           to metal, wooden, glass and certain            item. Rotary engraving is applicable   surface.
           plastic products.                              to metal, wooden, bamboo, glass and
                                                          certain ceramic products.

                 EPOXY                  DIGITAL                VISION FILM
                 DOMING                 PRINTING               PRINTING                VINYL STICKER
           Epoxy doming is a unique printing   Digital printing is used to imprint   Vision Film printing is a special   Vinyl stickers are digitally printed
           technology, using full-colour printed   paper products and paper inserts in   printing technique for labelling   full-colour, self-adhesive stickers
           stickers covered with 2 component   photo quality. Paper inserts can be   sunglasses lenses. During the   applicable to various, otherwise hard
           resin. As a result, the treated sticker   produced in various sizes and shapes. labelling process, a digitally   to print, products. Vinyl sticker logos
           will have a 3-dimensional look. Epoxy          printed and perforated film is   can be produced in various sizes and
           domed logos can be produced in                 applied enabling a high degree of   shapes.
           custom shapes and are resistant to             customisation.
           UV rays.

                 EMBROIDERY             PRINTING
           Embroidery is used to label textile   Price includes printing with indicated
           products, resulting in durable   technology. Excluding setup charge.
           and high-quality imprints,  by an
           automatic embroidery machine
           which applies thread through
           needle stitches. Pantone matching
           is not achievable, due to limited
           thread colours.

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