Page 475 - COOL-Zebra
P. 475


                                                                         Merin AP721179
                                                                         Mint growing kit in wooden box with biodegradable
                                                                         plastic pot, 6-8 mint seeds and growing substrate.
                                                                         Size: 75×75×75 mm Printing: E1, P1(4)

           Nertel AP781236                Sober AP721479-00              Petunia AP731428
           Herb pot set with 2 biodegradable flower   Flower planting kit in laminated paper bag.   Flower pot with 5-8 petunia seeds in different
           pots. Including mint and parsley seeds.   Including 5-8 petunia seeds in assorted colours.   colours, the pot is made of biodegradable
           Size: 150×70×70 mm Printing: P1(1), VS(FC)  Size: 110×130 mm Printing: VS(FC)  material. Size: ø65×62 mm Printing: VS(FC)

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