Page 438 - COOL-Zebra
P. 438

Dasha AP791301                        KEYS AND TOOLS
                                                                        Plastic ice scraper with 210T polyester glove.
                                                                        Size: 170×260×15 mm Printing: T1(8), DTB(FC), P1(1)

                                                                              -01    -05    -06    -10

            Membek AP800457-00                                                                                CAR ACCESSORIES
            Ecological wheat straw plastic
            ice scraper with bamboo
            handle. Size: 95×225×20 mm
            Printing: E1, P1(2)

            Feniok AP781263                                                                 -01T
            Plastic ice scraper.                                                            -02
            Size: 213×87×13 mm Printing: P1(4)


                                                        -01                  -05                  -06

            Tri Scrap AP800342
            Triangle shaped plastic ice
            scraper. Size: 115×115×109 mm
            Printing: P1(4), UVB(FC)

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